Jonny Castro, poliziotto-artista americano omaggia i nostri Vigili del Fuoco: “siete tutti eroi e la vostra memoria non sarà mai dimenticata”

L’oramai noto artista americano, poliziotto in servizio a Philadelphia Jonny Castro ha voluto omaggiare i Vigili del Fuoco uccisi nell’esplosione di un casolare ad Alessandria. E’ la terza volta che l’autore decide di omaggiare uomini italiani in uniforme. Ricordiamo infatti, di recente, le sue opere dedicate a Mario Cerciello Rega, ucciso lo scorso fine Luglio da due turisti americani a Roma e l’omaggio a Matteo Demenego e Pierluigi Rotta, assassinati in questura a Trieste lo scorso 5 Ottobre.

Questo il nuovo omaggio di Jonny alle nostre forze dell’ordine cadute in servizio

“Siete tutti eroi e la vostra memoria non sarà mai dimenticata”

In the early morning hours of November 5th, Vigili Del Fuoco firefighters assigned to the Alessandria fire station responded to a report of a small explosion in an unoccupied farmhouse in the small town of Quargnento, Italy. While they were on location attempting to extinguish the blaze from the blast, a massive secondary explosion was triggered which caused the building to collapse on top of them.

(From left to right) Firefighters Matteo Gastaldo (47 years old), Antonino Candido (32 years old) and Marco Triches (38 years old) were all killed in the blast and subsequent collapse. Two additional firefighters and a member of Italy’s Carabinieri were also wounded. It took hours to recover the bodies of the fallen firefighters from beneath the rubble. While conducting a search of the blast site and surrounding buildings, investigators located gas cylinder tanks, timers, and electrical wiring. It’s believed that the explosions were the result of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that were set on a timer to detonate at a specific time. As of now, the suspect responsible for this crime has not been apprehended.